Freeze Dry! What is Freeze Dry Technology?

Freeze Dry technology is a drying method that can remove all the water content without changing the products’ nutritional value, taste, smell, and shape characteristics.

In the drying process, water transforming from a solid state to gas in the low air pressure environment, which is the subject of a 5th-grade science lesson in primary school – sublimation – is applied using high technology machines. Since high heat is not used during the process, the products are provided to preserve their natural features.

Food products consist of an average of 90% water molecules. With the Freeze Dry technology, the water contents of the products are removed in almost all amounts. Products are weighed down to one-tenth without losing their volume. In environments where there is no water and air, bacteria cannot live and cannot spoil food products. Therefore, products that are dried with freeze-dry technology can be stored for many years by maintaining their natural features with inexpensive and straightforward storage methods (in sealed packaging, at room temperature).

Classic drying methods, widely used in today’s food industry, apply high temperatures – long periods. High heat causes changes in the natural properties of the products. Form distortion, caramelization, and color change due to burning, loss in flavor and nutritional values ​​turn dried foods into products that are different from their natural state. 15-30% water content remains on average in products dried by conventional methods. Although this amount of water rates slows down bacterial formations, it cannot completely stop them. Therefore, the storage life of the products dried by the classical method is shorter. Long drying times and hot air during outdoor drying increase bacterial activities. The products begin to deteriorate with drying. To reduce product weight loss, spoilage, and loss of flavor commercially, chemicals and sugar are usually added to the products. This is the reason for the taste, which resembles the strange varieties of products, specially packaged dry products.

There is no change in the properties of the products dried with freeze-dry technology, except for the water ratio. Thanks to the preserved form, dried products return to their fresh state properties when they are brought back to the water.

Freeze Dry technology will be an essential part of our nutritional habits soon, as it offers the opportunity to consume nutrients for 12 months with their most valuable seasonal features, to concentrate naturally, and to use the amount and functional requirements.

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Can Amuraben

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