Useful Bacteria in Nutrition – What is Probiotic?

The term probiotic was first used by Lilly DM and Stillwell RH in 1965, and a new field of nutrition and health was opened. The official recognition of the World Health Organization (WHO) as “living microorganisms that have positive effects on human health when they are absorbed in sufficient amounts” was achieved only in 2002. Even when we did not discover it, they always existed. We can say that we are at the beginning of the road to getting to know these armies older than humanity in terms of science. Let’s briefly summarize the information revealed so far on this subject.

As a classical and indispensable method, when we look at the Greek origin of the term, we find that the word means ‘for life’ with ‘pro’ and ‘bios’ roots. I think I made the point shot, and we can continue the subject.

Probiotics are most commonly found in fermented food products. Due to cheese, yogurt, pickles, or yeasts, bread is an excellent example of probiotic food. The first yogurts, functional foods fortified with probiotic properties, were introduced to the European market in the 1980s. As a result, we encounter and consume probiotic products of different types and flavors, which have intensified in recent years.

These invisible microorganisms are naturally delicate, and their lifespan is not much apart from their natural habitats. However, with the introduction of Freeze-Dry technology in the industry, it has become possible to dry these organisms, put them into sleep mode, and extend their lifespan. Thanks to the developing technology, the usage areas of probiotics are increasing day by day.

When we look at benefits / Loss, we can divide bacteria into good and harmful. Harmful bacteria cause food spoilage and poisoning. Good bacteria make positive contributions to our health. In many important matters for the functioning of our body, probiotics work like subcontractors. In return, they live healthy and happy in their comfortable environment. It’s an excellent deal that both sides have won.

The main features that distinguish good bacteria from bad ones are; that they do not produce toxins, do not harm the health when taken into the body, and are not pathogens.

Although they have provided these primary conditions, we need to look at other factors to name good bacteria as probiotics. For good bacteria to be beneficial when taken into the body, they must first be resistant to stomach acid and bile salt and be able to reach and hold the intestines. They need to survive in the body, destroy harmful bacteria, stimulate the immune system, and show metabolic effects such as vitamin production, cholesterol, and lactose digestion. (Thus, we also counted the critical benefits of probiotics.) The most important of these good bacteria intake conditions is the lack of antibiotic resistance. Bacteria live in communication and learn something from each other constantly. Good bacteria with antibiotic resistance can transfer these properties to harmful bacteria, and this is not something to be desired for health. The difference between good and bad is also significant here. Because some bacteria are good, let’s not compromise food safety and hygiene.

In addition to the benefits mentioned above of probiotics, especially in research on infants, it has been shown to treat and prevent diarrhea, reduce colic pain and allergic and respiratory disorders and strengthen the immune system.

Prebiotics (we can say little brothers of probiotics) are compounds that promote the development and activities of probiotics and increase their benefits. Thanks to prebiotics, probiotics increase their lifespan and can better colonize. The products obtained by using Pro and Pre biotic products together are called “Symbiotic”. This topic will be helpful information when choosing between probiotic products.

There are also types of probiotics. Each class has different characteristics, effects and benefits will be different. Which probiotic bacteria will be suitable for which person, depending on the desired result and the person’s age? With the increase in research and studies on probiotics and the introduction of artificial intelligence and blockchain technologies in the field of food, we will experience significant developments soon in terms of healthy life and nutrition. What is ‘FoodTech’ at this point? I think it was an excellent example for those who wonder.

Some important studies on the subject focus on psychobiotics, a branch of probiotics. Psychobiotics are microorganisms that provide mental health benefits by interacting with gut bacteria, positively affecting bacterial and brain relationships, and are involved in forming different molecules. They produce many substances in the nervous system, such as dopamine, serotonin, acetylcholine, noradrenaline, and GABA. These bacteria have been found to affect brain functions and mood positively and have many benefits, such as treating depression and anxiety and dealing with stress. In the future, we can expect significant gains in this field with the treatment processes being customized.

Let’s not forget that bacteria are infectious. We can also give the right to the thesis “Our intelligence is the average intelligence of the five people we interviewed most” when we look at probiotics. Having been together for many years, you may have noticed that couples who live in the same areas, sleep together, and eat the same food are increasingly similar in physical and intellectual terms. I think that bacteria also contribute to this similarity. According to my observations, the similarity between couples is more clearly seen in happy relationships. So blending the subject with bacteria would be appropriate to wink at the idea that ‘Happiness is contagious.

With the information that we host ten times as many bacteria as our total number of cells in our body, we need to think about how important healthy, proper nutrition and probiotics are to us. In addition, let’s not forget how significant changes we can experience with slight differences in our eating habits.

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Can Amuraben

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